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Author Topic: July 17-18 is  (Read 8350 times)
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« on: June 14, 2010, 11:12:00 PM »

The big event coming up is the 2010 Lancia Rally on July 17th and July 18th.

It's a fantastic value event that has been sponsored by Tanc Barratt, Auto Integrale, Richard Thorne, Western Lancia, All-Italia (Paxtons), Walkers and John Whalley.

All the details are on, but the key details are:-

(1) A Curborough "Drive and Learn" on Saturday the 17th with driving help from John Whalley and James Whelan.

We're putting on a session split into a first half with warm up around this technically interesting course. ONE CAR AT A TIME, so you do not have to worry about someone else other than yourself. Ask John or James to sit in - there is always something to learn and both drivers have a wealth of race experience.

The second half is going to be a special session where John Whalley will show you around cones - with a bit of a difference. John used to run this course with the late Pentti Airikkala. This is where you will get a chance to see how throttle on/off steering is done - and have a go yourself.

(2) Let's hope that after the second half we don't get into penalties, since it will be a roadbook drive from Curborough up to Nantwich. We've planned about 70 miles through north Shropshire. Nice roads - for which we hope to have some better weather than last year!! We'd advise a passenger to help navigate the tulip maps - or there is always the option or following someone if you are on your own.

(3) In the evening we've booked a table at new Italian restaurant in Nantwich. The cost of the meal depends on your appetite - but the place is very good and prices very reasonable. There's plenty to do into the night in this picturesque town of timber-framed houses, but don't forget the next day.

(4) On the Sunday we take 10-15 minute trip to the Cholmondeley Pageant of Power . Think of the Goodwood FOS but at £25 per head (normal gate price). Bentley Motors sponsor this event. It's a huge show on water, on 2 and 4 wheels - and more. Entry to this is INCLUDED in the Lancia Rally event price. Club committee member Lawrence Clift will be there with a large stand ready to welcome you on. Remember to show the event passes so we know who you are!

The price for the Lancia Rally event is £55 for members and £69 for non-members.

You get the track session, a roadbook, event mug, bonnet plaque, window cling and entry for the car and driver into Cholmondeley. We'll have prizes for the longest distance travelled etc etc as well.

We hope you agree with us that this is really excellent value and an ideal way to spend 2 days with your Lancia.

Places are limited, so please visit and sign up. We will not be allowed to squeeze in more cars at Curborough if you leave it too late

Many thanks, and we hope to see you soon!

Club Lancia Sport's Curborough Event (short version) Curborough Cholmondeley Pageant of Power CPOP.
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2010, 08:02:17 AM »

maybe I've misinterpreted but does seem a bit childish of lanciasport to clash an event like this with the LMC agm pity there can't be more harmony
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« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2010, 09:31:40 AM »

maybe I've misinterpreted but does seem a bit childish of lanciasport to clash an event like this with the LMC agm pity there can't be more harmony

The event has been planned since the end of last year (we were waiting for Cholmondeley to publish their date), there was no intention of clashing with any other clubs event. If anyone's to blame, have a word with Cholmondeley as they set the date for their event thus the reason why we're using it as part of our annual rally. At the end of the day, all I'm doing is advertising an event for ALL Lancia's. Let's not get political, you go to which event would suit you most.

Taken from the LMC's forum page:-



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  Re: Cholmondeley Pageant of Power
« Reply #2 on: 09 March, 2010, 07:33:45 PM » 


The Club booked a stand at the show, after comments made from various members on how good the show is and with the various activites that are laid on.

By booking a stand we get free entry for 20 cars, however since making the booking as always happen events clash. Unfortunatlely it happened to be the AGM and National Rally.

Before the committee make the decision to cancel the booking, are there any members that would prefer to attend this event and make use of both the stand space and the entry passes. If you are interested please contact myself either by dropping me a PM or using the contact details in VL. Back page as Local area Co-ordinator. The decision will be held until the end of March.


Simon Davis

The LMC have cancelled their allocated stand due to a lack of interest, thus if you'd like to be part of the show, then come and join us, we don't bite  Wink
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« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2010, 06:05:55 PM »

maybe I've misinterpreted but does seem a bit childish of lanciasport to clash an event like this with the LMC agm pity there can't be more harmony

Sadly, we had 21 August planned until 4th Feb when Curborough advised us of a mistaken double booking.  We then - believe it or not - had the choice given to us of 22nd May or 17th July.  Great.  It was as if we were predestined to clash with not one, but two LMC events.

Since Club LanciaSport are much more motorsport focussed (many of us work in this area), it was clear which way we were to go with the clash.  CPOP is a great event, proper race cars - and much more affordable than Goodwood FoS with just as interesting cars.  I would say to clash with CPOP is an oversight as it would be to clash with FoS.

You must also remember that the LMC only advised people of the date on 21st Jan with no cost info until well into Feb.  Furthermore, I'm not privvy to any possible information on upcoming activities since I'm not permitted to join LMC.  Churlishness is a moot point.

This is why Club LanciaSport have created relationships with other Lancia clubs such as the Stratos Enthusiasts Club - since it's clearly better to spread our activities out in the interests of all Lancia fans as was demonstrated at Chatsworth just recently and for all events going forward.


« Last Edit: June 15, 2010, 06:07:36 PM by lanciasport » Logged
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2010, 06:13:53 PM »

ok point taken as I'm no longer a LMC member anyway and not a lancia sport member either I was just seeing it from the sidelines, it really is a pity that there isn't more harmony within all UK lancista though
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« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2010, 06:51:48 PM »

ok point taken as I'm no longer a LMC member anyway and not a lancia sport member either I was just seeing it from the sidelines, it really is a pity that there isn't more harmony within all UK lancista though

Is that an apology for s**t stirring things  Grin Grin Grin Grin
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« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2010, 07:23:50 PM »

ok point taken as I'm no longer a LMC member anyway and not a lancia sport member either I was just seeing it from the sidelines, it really is a pity that there isn't more harmony within all UK lancista though

No worries at all.  To be honest, you've hit the nail on the head though.  We do need more harmony in the UK Lancia community.  

What I can say is that we have comms with every group in the UK - even outside of Lancia in the wider field.  The only organisation that we don't have any formal lines of communication is alas the one we've mentioned here.

I've said this offline and online: It's time to move on and recognise each others strengths and have a discussion.  But if people won't accept my membership, that's going to be tough to achieve.

All this in the light of front story about the challenges for traditional clubs from those that are internet based.

Come along to Curborough - you'll enjoy it.  And Cholmondeley ("Chumley" to locals) is a great event.


« Last Edit: June 15, 2010, 07:25:29 PM by lanciasport » Logged
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2010, 11:25:37 PM »

unfortunately most likely will pop into the AGM as I'll be getting a free lift with a friend
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« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2010, 05:07:21 PM »

Well there's a Stratos, Lancia Delta Martini and another Lancia competing should be a great weekend
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« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2010, 10:11:31 PM »

Club LanciaSport Rally. Curbororugh to Cholmondeley Pageant of Power, July 17-18th, 2010

This is an email to all.  So, if you've paid and received your tickets, please do not worry!

For those that have yet to consider coming, we're running a weekend of learning and enjoyment with very limited places.

It starts on Saturday July 17th at Curbororugh Sprint circuit where drivers are accompanied around a course ONE at a time.  No concerns about other cars, or perhaps a bit of red mist.  We have James Whelan and John Whalley to sit in and help you around the corners. The second half of this day sees the cones come out and a session in handling demonstrated by John Whalley - for you to also have a go at.

Curbororugh finishes at about 17:00 (5pm) and we then take to the roads on a 60 mile drive via a tulip-map roadbook to Nantwich near Crewe.   It's a bit of fun where you can see some canals, Shropshire countryside and take part in some map reading.  Its certainly better than a trip up the M6!

In Nantwich, we've booked a table at Firenze Italian restaurant. It's new, the food is great, prices are reasonable (extra cost to ticket price) and it's perfect to set the scene for Sundays Cholmondeley Pageant of Power (CPOP).

The CPOP is a rapidly growing event that rivals Goodwoods Festival of Speed with it's mixture of race cars, bikes and also boats.  Plenty to see, and some big name sponsors such as Bentley Motors ensures a well-organised event. Details are at

The price for all of this?

Thanks to our sponsors Tanc Barratt, Auto Integrale, Richard Thorne, Western Lancia, Allitalia (Paxtons), Walkers and John Whalley - the price for a car and the driver is just £55 for club members and £69 for non-members.  This includes the track session, admission to CPOP hich in itself is £25 on the day (cars parked in the public car park). We've a 50-car stand for all those going - so you will be in prime location with Club LanciaSport in the car paddock in the middle of the event.  Extra tickets for CPOP are available if you have additional passengers at £15 per person (again, £25 on the day!).  Young people (4-15) are free if you email us to advise this before the day, otherwise £10 on the day.

So, an excellent value weekend with one-on-one track tuition, roadbook tulip rally, some prizes, a goody bag incl mug and rally plaque, and special stand space at CPOP all included.

Please visit and click into the "tickets" section as soon as possible - all the tickets options are there.  Full details of the event itself are on the dedicated website

Don't miss it!

Club LanciaSport
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