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Author Topic: Bosch L Jetronic  (Read 3787 times)
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« on: November 30, 2008, 06:27:45 PM »

Greetings fellow Beta nuts. Okay does anybody have the books for the above diagnostic equipment as I've lost mine and I can't properly diagnose a small issue I have with my 83 coupe ie (only running on cylinders 3 and 4). The cam, crank and dizzy timing are spot on, spark is good, leads are on correctly,  compression is excellent, fuel line pressure is at normal operating pressure etc etc and so points to a fuel injection problem. I've checked resistance in the injectors and they all measure the same. Ran out of ideas now so any literature or pointers would be great. Cheers G.   

From: hutch6610   Sent: 03/04/2007 19:40
Swap the injector leads round and see if cylinders 1 and 2 will run - will be a little tight to stretch the wiring but you should just manage it.
This way you can make sure the wiring is working correctly.
Plug 3 should make it onto injector two easy enough.
If nothing happens, then your injectors are blocked or resined up depending on if you have laid your car up.
A resistance check only shows if the coil within the injector is good or bad, not whether it works ok.
Bosche injectors do not last for ever.
Another way to check them is to unbolt the injector rail and with the fuel lines still connected, have someone crank the engine over - best done out in the open.
A duff injector will be obvious.
If the injectors are ok and the wiring is at fault then have a look at the black double relay bolted to the drivers side shock turret, remove and check carefully (actually open it up), the injectors get there current from here and you may just have a dodgy soldered connection - you can just re solder the connection.
By the way "What books and what diagnostic equipment?"
Good luck.

From: flatspot69   Sent: 03/04/2007 20:02
Cheers Hutch I'll give that a whirl. I've got use of a friends Fiat/Lancia diagnostic suitcase with all of the plugs, leads, dummys and the hand held computer that diagnoses problems in the system but there's NO books to tell me what the resulting codes mean when it finds a fault or what orders to do things in. If anybody has them I'd love a copy.

From: rossocorsa   Sent: 03/04/2007 21:58
I didn't think that the FLT had a module for L jetronic  in any case it's a crude system without the facility to give information like (for instance) IAW in deltas and dedras which will tell you what it thinks is wrong. I have a Y10GTie (sad I know but never mind!) that uses L3.1 essentially an updated L jetronic there is a module for this but connecting it up is not very helpful it's really a case for using a multimeter or possibly if you have access to one the fiat pro1 which is really a fancy multimeter and may be of some use I have one but it looks a bit expert only as regards operation.

Hey there RossoC, there's nothing up with Y10 they're a hoot. This equipment came from an ex Lancia dealer in the north but with out all of the literature it's hard to say that its dedicated to Beta but it's definatley for L jetronic. So I put two and two together and .... 

From: rossocorsa   Sent: 03/04/2007 22:28
I'll check when I have time if there is any mention of the beta or not in any stuff i have but I think there is not I am assuming your friend has a marelli fiat lancia tester and possibly a pro1 both of which come in smart looking (well at least they were when new now usually a bit rusty and dusty) hard brief cases

Here is a web site with some helpfull information:

From: flatspot69   Sent: 04/04/2007 17:50
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll tear you thinning hair out! Well maybe not, but I did when I finally watched this morning as the coupe started up on all four cylinders, running beautifully with even tick over and no hesitation or spluttering or anything unusual for that matter. 'But how?', I do not hear you cry!!!! My neighbour and fellow Beta owner walked cooly across to my garage unbolted and unplugged the ECU from the passenger footwell (under the glovebox), plugged it back in, bolted it back to the car, turned the ignition key and waited a few moments. turned the key back of and then started the car. Where was he two days ago. He had the temerity to go to work, therefore depriving me of this stroke of engineering genius. Ran all day with NO bother. Anyway many many thanks to the guys who offered tips and food for thought. At least I now know more than two days ago.

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