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Author Topic: carburetter problems  (Read 4198 times)
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« on: November 30, 2008, 06:24:27 PM »

dear all,
i have had problems with teh carb on my 1980 2000  coupe since i bought it, in fairness the seller did say that it did need setting up better
the manual says its a weber DATR 2/200 or DATR 2/250
i get hesitation on the first choke, its a bit of a pig when cold, even when fully warm there is a terrible hesitation stuttering and lag if you put your foot hard down between 2 and 3 thousand revs, ease the power on and its ok, again at higher revs its fine, on second choke goes really well.
its been looked at three times, each time it does go better, but the poroblem persists and back to square one, the latest chap just said its basically worn and theres nothing else he can do
there is always the feeling that it wants to stall until fully warm
this carb seems to be rarer than hens teeth, the carb hospital can make up a carb for me for £295 + vat
what can i do?
does anyone have one for sale??
thanks in advance

From: hutch6610   Sent: 23/03/2007 01:56
Oh dear more fuel problems.
You say that you have severe hesitation when you open the primary choke fast - pedal to the metal.
My recommendation is that you take the air filter cover off and look down the primary choke.
If you look carefully you will see the accelerator pump jet poking down the barrel.
Operate the throttle with your hand and see if it injects a nice clean sharp jet of fuel down the barrel.
If you get nothing or a wishy washy spurt then this is the problem.
The carb has to go "rich" when the throttle is opened and this is how a fixed jet carb manages this.
This is also the reason why the car is a pig to start from cold because that spurt of fuel helps cold staring.
If the engine feels as though it wants to stall until fully warmed then richen the mixture a little - its on the other side of the carb nearest the inlet cam box.
Use a thin long screwdriver and unscrew it anti clockwise looking at it from the passenger side.
Do this only when the engine is warm and the idle is at least set to 900 rpm.
If it does not improve then turn it the other way - you will soon get the feel for setting it up.
You must remember that if you screw it clock wise you are leaning it off and anti clockwise you are richening the mixture.
Carburettors are a black art it seems and people who come out with "its worn out" usually haven't a clue.
Try what i have suggested first and if you are really desperate for a carb i can supply one, but as i have said many times "i have only seen one dodgy carb in 23 years.
But i bet you can get it working if you persist.
Let us know how you get on.
"Pete d under Crap Carb" had problems and he had been to the usual suspects but with some perseverance got to the bottom of it .
Good luck.

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