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Author Topic: Beta's in films or on TV  (Read 3668 times)
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« on: November 30, 2008, 06:23:01 PM »

I know it's an old theme.
Lets see if anyone remembers seeing Beta's on the screen.
When i say Beta's i am not talking about Aurelia's in the Godfather or Gamma's in Alain Delon films.
Let me kick of with a series of the Professionals, will look up the episode name later - blue Beta coupe used by a hitman.
Hole was drilled in the nearside quarter light to poke the silenced gun through.........oooooh clever!

Chevy Chase did a film where in the open sequence he's parking a robin's egg blue Beta Coupe.  Can't remember the name of the film
In the movie Arthur, a street scene shows a brown Beta coupe at a stop light.
There's also the Tommy Lee Jones film about the turbine car, where the test bed is a Beta Coupe.  You also get to see clay models,  artist body renderings etc.  Terrible movie, great beta stuffs.
All I can recall at the moment.

In Modern Problems the character played by Chevy Chase drives a light blue Beta Coupe behind a truck carrying/spilling nuclear waste!

In Bad Timing, the character played by Art Garfunkel drives a red Lancia Beta Spider in the streets of Vienna.

and others :

I remember years ago an episode of 'the bill' used an HPE to pull out at a junction infront of somebody and got t-boned. I can remember thinking at the time, what a waste, even if it was on it's last legs they ruined some useable parts!
I think I'm over it now though......maybe.......until this thread reminded me!

The film featuring Tommy Lee Jones and the Beta Coupe was "The Betsy".Good flick,but unfortunately the Beta isn't in too many scenes,and mostly at the end of the film.

I believe a beta montecarlo was used quite alot in the film herbie goes to montecarlo.
Where herbie fell in love with the montecarlo that was in the same race as the beetle, you cant blame him.

I know it's not quite the same but I've got a compilation DVD of British TV commercials from the late '70s which includes a Lancia advert from 1977. In terms of Betas it features a brown Berlina, a silver HPE and a red Coupe. All very chic and elegant footage filmed in Italy.
If anyone desperately wants a copy of this let me know.

I've just remembered - Windsor Davies had a black HPE in Never The Twain. Presumably for carting antiques about.

And another - David Hemmings drove a Beta berlina in the 1975 Italian horror Deep Red.

My HPE was recently used in an Insurance TV Commercial. If someone can tell me how to upload a 27meg file i'll show it to the forum.... Regards   James

Hi James
If you have broadband try one of these:

Hello Tony,  Thanks for the link to youtube. I have uploded the Advertisement. Type Lancia Beta HPE into the search panel and it will come up.... Regards  James

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