My HPE VX runs really well

- most of the time, though occasionally it appears to have a mind of its own

If used regularly it potters about around town or on general runs really well with no issues (after long periods of no use it does sometimes splutter :(and hiccup but with more use it sorts itself out).
On Sunday whilst it was a nice day and I'd just had 4 new tyres fitted, I decided to take the family up to the lakes (70 miles each way). The issue occurred twice, both times after 50 miles at an indicated 70mph ;)and exiting the sliproad, at the give way junction there was what appeared to be a moments power loss- it appeared it was going to cut out but didn't, however I had to really rev it to get going. Once going it seemed to realise the change in driving conditions and adapted to this change on both occasions not repeating the incident.
Anyone know the cause?