« Reply #60 on: August 11, 2024, 06:51:46 PM » |
It was a superb weekend Peter, thank you for pulling it all together. A total of 375mls for my Beta and I thoroughly enjoyed the drive, the chat, the food and the beer. Lovely to meet new folk, and to chat some more with others I’d met earlier. We were blessed with some magnificent weather which helped too.
Over the weekend, and over a few beers, I recall we hatched plans involving some longer-range Beta trips? Let’s hold this thought for now, but I’d like to see a Euro Beta something next year.
Great weekend, thanks all, Chris
1979 Beta Coupe S2FL (1st registered May 1983!) 1967 Morris Minor Traveller 1925 Austin 7 Chummy
« Reply #61 on: August 11, 2024, 08:17:43 PM » |
It was disappointing I couldn't make the weekend in my Beta this year but still very much enjoyed a few hours with you guys and your cars at the car show this afternoon. Sounds like you had a brilliant weekend. C
« Reply #62 on: August 11, 2024, 08:25:09 PM » |
Over the weekend, and over a few beers, I recall we hatched plans involving some longer-range Beta trips? Let’s hold this thought for now, but I’d like to see a Euro Beta something next year.
Nooooo. ( or at least not till mine is back....  )
« Reply #63 on: August 11, 2024, 09:52:52 PM » |
Thanks for organising a superb weekend Peter! Thoroughly enjoyed it not least seeing Alex in his new Coupe when he was looking for a saloon last year! Thanks to everyone who gave me a passenger ride too, it’ll be a while before I can reciprocate! Next year is probably too much to hope for! Guy
Hawk HF3000 - Square Arch Stratos Replica - owned since 1988. Skoda Superb Scout 2021. Believed 1of 1 in the UK! Fiat Panda 100HP and now - A Lancia Beta Coupe 1981 2 Litre
A Ross
« Reply #64 on: August 12, 2024, 12:01:22 AM » |
Thank you Peter for putting on such a superb Betameeta this year. Similar miles to Chris covered this weekend in my Beta - it didn't really break a sweat and I enjoyed absolutely every minute of it and had a phenomenal drive back from Newark to South Oxfordshire mostly through country lanes .
Great to have Guy on board as a passenger - Nice to be able to offer a seat for a change my previous 4 Betameeta's have been Betaless!
Fantastic to see Neil's car looking so great after the restoration work and to finally meet Richard with the Ascot Berlina - I last saw that car at the AGM at Ettington Chase in 1999 - and is possibly the only survivor close to the spec of our original Beta!
A special thanks to Nigel and Peter too for sorting me with the correct airbox and scoop for my car and for repainting it - this will be fitted ahead of the LMC Track Day (this year my car will be a paddock princess, next year may well be a different story....)
I will try to get the photo's on here (sometimes I struggle). I also will share my album on the various Beta social media pages as soon as it is uploaded.
Always great to talk to other Beta owners too - I think as a direct result of this weekend, we will definitely be going down the baffled sump route and I will be also treating myself to a filter king fuel filter - when the tank and fuel lines are sorted.
1979 Beta Berlina 1300 (late) S2 - Rosso Nearco 2024 - 1980 Beta Coupé 1600 S2 FL1 Metallized Blue 2023 -
1979 Beta Berlina 1300 (late) S2 - Ascot Verde 1979-1989 1988 Prisma 1.6 i.e. - Lancia Blue 1988-1991
« Reply #65 on: August 12, 2024, 08:33:16 AM » |
Just echoing all the above Peter, a really enjoyable weekend. The 314 miles I added to the clock has restored my confidence in the car after the long restoration lay off and it is so smooth and quiet now up at 70 without the wind whistling through those myriad rust holes....
I'll do my traditional write up for VL this week.
« Reply #66 on: August 12, 2024, 04:17:08 PM » |
Over the weekend, and over a few beers, I recall we hatched plans involving some longer-range Beta trips? Let’s hold this thought for now, but I’d like to see a Euro Beta something next year.
Nooooo. ( or at least not till mine is back....  ) Then you need to get your finger out….! I floated the idea of going to the Le Mans Classic via Calais which I have wanted to go to for a long time and never had the opportunity. I would of course need to hang on to the Spider as the HPE will not be ready by then, so am looking to find somewhere to store it over the winter. Peter
Beta Spyder S2 pre F/L 1600 Beta HPE S2 pre F/L 1600
« Reply #67 on: August 12, 2024, 09:55:24 PM » |
Also repeating the other comments a bit, good planning Peter and thanks for everything. Good to meet some new folk as well.
Those roads we took were so good for flooring it in many places, and most of the corners could be done with a fair speed as well.
I clocked 431 miles but unsure of accuracy as my speedo reads 80 at a google 70. Maybe the VX gearbox needs to be matched to the correct clock?
Finally, I reckon your Le Mans idea is a good one Peter, I'm keen.
Cheers to all, Nigel
1984 2.0 Carb HPE [ex Aus] Grigio Finanza. 2007 Mazda 6 2.3 [current daily, highly recommended] The past: 1980 2.0 HPE White in South Africa [hope it survives!] 1976 1.6 Coupe Lancia Blu [PFG 76R] [probably deceased] oh,and an Uno Turbo 1997 also in SA [stolen,never recovered]
« Reply #68 on: August 13, 2024, 09:37:46 AM » |
I did Le Mans Classic with the Montecarlo Consortium who have a favorite Hotel with Pool. But it is too far from the Event IMHO. There are major tail backs getting in and out of this event and you need to extend your French stay before and after to get a good Eurotunnel experience. Laval is the nearby town. You might need to plan and book 2 years ahead to make it work FYI.
Jr. Member

 United Kingdom
Posts: 11
« Reply #69 on: August 13, 2024, 12:47:08 PM » |
Thank you Peter for organising this event, it was my first proper drive out in the car since getting the thumbs up for roadworthiness by Riccardo Emiliani. I enjoyed meeting everyone else, and thank you for your kind words Alex. I was blown away by how well the car performs on the open road - it felt like we had much of the route to ourselves on Sunday.
« Reply #70 on: September 03, 2024, 08:43:43 AM » |
Just received my copy of VL from the LMC which has a really well written write up of the weekend by Neil.
Neil, would it be permissible to post a photo of the page here so those who do not get it can have a read?
Beta Spyder S2 pre F/L 1600 Beta HPE S2 pre F/L 1600
« Reply #71 on: September 04, 2024, 11:39:56 AM » |
Just received my copy of VL from the LMC which has a really well written write up of the weekend by Neil.
Neil, would it be permissible to post a photo of the page here so those who do not get it can have a read?
No problem Peter. I meant to post a Word version but it slipped my mind.
« Reply #72 on: September 05, 2024, 02:08:36 PM » |
Thanks Neil
Here we go….
Beta Spyder S2 pre F/L 1600 Beta HPE S2 pre F/L 1600
« Reply #73 on: September 05, 2024, 04:04:11 PM » |
I did Le Mans Classic with the Montecarlo Consortium who have a favorite Hotel with Pool. But it is too far from the Event IMHO. There are major tail backs getting in and out of this event and you need to extend your French stay before and after to get a good Eurotunnel experience. Laval is the nearby town. You might need to plan and book 2 years ahead to make it work FYI.
Chil with a ferry. The Hook of Holland service is excellent and our Beglian friends could suggest a route to drive down over two days.