Now if i remember the two Trevi's i owned in the past, the heater valve (shown in the picture) only utilized the "pneumatic" part to turn the water supply off.... incidentaly its the same valve that the Volumex uses to maintain manifold temperature for the carburetor.

You had to rotate the temperature control to red to open the valve .... sure its got a cable to open it.
Press a button on the heater and it would rotate the the control to cold - up or down was also pneumatic if i remember.
Mario, if both the feed and return pipes are hot it could be the flap inside the heater needs to be adjusted due to wear and tear ... that's if you have checked that water if flowing through it correctly.
This is precisely the problem i had with one of my Trevi's.
The photo of the valve - under the dashboard - shows the cable connecting to a crank mechanism ..... see the shaft its connected to first (with the two Allen key locking bolts?)
Well that shaft connects to a flap inside that diverts the air over or away from the matrix depending on which way the lever is set hot or cold, the idea is to blend the air to get a perfect mix or shut it off completely ....... but i think you all know its all or nothing with a Beta!
Put a tippex mark across it for reference - along the end over the plastic and the center shaft.
Set the heater to Hot (full red) to the right and the the cold air flap lever (second one down ) full to the right as well.
It looks in the closed position in your photo ... don't quote me on that, driving the bloody things for twenty odd years and i can't remember which way it is now!
Watch which way the lever goes and undo the two lock bolts, you then rotate the flap with a pair of grips or similar full in the direction the cable is trying to push it in - should be clock wise from your photo i think.
See what happens, if you get hot air then you just lock the two bolts back up in that position.
If no luck i am afraid the matrix is probably blocked - if an o ring has dislodged it would leak plain and simple - you would have antifreeze coming down your heater from around the valve where it bolts to the matrix and you don't.
Ask a stupid question now .... but does your car warm up correctly - that's a third to a half on the gauge?