Really tidy work on the grooves in the bonnet of the white saab, doesn't look out of place at all. Under bonnet temperatures have not really been an issue for me, the wrap is mostly for protecting the rubber gaiters for the rack that are rather close when the manifold is in place.
Having given it a good clean over it got a couple of generous coatings of heat resistant paint...

Freshly wrapped with heat wrap...

Then fitment was a joy as ever, having already put it on once and taken off again you would have thought it would be easy, but was still as awkward as ever to get on, just about managed to get it on with the anti roll bar disconnected both sides and the car lifted up as far up as I could, but eventually it went on...

Been making a bit of progress with the throttle boddies project recently, and started by removing all of the original bosch injection system and intake manifold...

Couldn't help but mock up the replacement manifold and see what issues are yet to come...

Firstly trying to get it all in from engine to trumpet, i've managed to move the radiator forward a couple of inches, and have options to either fit the fans on the front of the radiator or cut the hoses down a few inches to give more clearance from the fans and allow enough room for an air box to be fitted...

What I thought was going to be a potential problem, turned out to be an easy fix. The dipstick tubing was fouling on the new setup but with a slight bending it now clears and the dipstick still pushes down smoothly...

Having a quick look at throttle cabling, the original might be able to be used with some slight modification to the fixing of the cable...

With the suzuki boddies already fitted with a TPS, I was keen to make use of it rather than having to make one fit the linkage and have to make a bracket for it, so have managed to cut down a three pin connector to fit the pins...

With the new setup, it requires a crank sensor and trigger wheel so with this the crank pulley had to be removed, and is being replacing with an alloy one with trigger wheel fitted to the back of it...

Old and new...

Crank pulley, sensor and bracket now in place, just the small matter of the alternator belt fouling on the bracket and sensor at the moment, see... hopefully once this reasonably major issue is resolved, things should come along nicely