Hi to all in Beta-land.
I NEED HELP!!!! or therapy - whichever you see fit to use in my case.
I need a wiring diagram for IE/VX Cooling fan, radiator switch, and anything else electrical to do with the cooling fan system - CAN ANYONE HELP PLEASE??
I am about to get my IE MOT'd after a lengthy resto-program (shitloads of welding) and i have come to connect everything up & check it all through.
Problem being there are three cables from the fan switch, short one and earth are connected but the third has been cut by some mad fool! As i have been checking the good old haynes manual (which does not cover IE or VX models) for some inspiration, the third cable (it says) is supposed to go to the cooling fan solenoid switch. WHERE THE HELL IS IT?

The fan has a blue cable which has been reconnected to where it was before and a Black cable which has also been cut - when this is linked to the earth terminal on the battery the fan cuts in.
Can anyone out there assist me in the final wiring-in of this important system. An idiot proof digram would be most helpful.
Thanks in anticipation
The fan is directly connected to the thermo switch there is no relay but I'm a bit rusty as to the actual connections, Mark has my Wiring diagrams book for a Trevi but the Fan setup is the same.
Ill dig them out in the next few days Steve to compare info.
Bonjourneo Camjammer & Mr W!
Having come to work having got splinters buried in my fingers from scratching my head, i asked Neil - our driver for the outing to collect bits from Camjammer. He has managed to confirm my thoughts that the cut cable from the fan needs to be connected to the cut wire from the sender in the radiator! So panic over.
Many thanks for thoughts though - looks as if Keith has come to our rescue again, so well done Keith. Will call you in a while Mark.
My 1985 vx only has 2 wires coming out of the thermo switch on radiator. 3 wires thermo switches I have seen in the past are for 2 speed rad fan (low and high) . It could be someone has changed the switch, often done with a lower temp rated switch, to kick in the fan a few degrees earlier to save engine.
Unless of course my switch is wrong !