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Author Topic: HPE / Saloon boot / tailgate strutts  (Read 5149 times)
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« on: December 21, 2008, 09:57:58 PM »

From: Tiff-x19  (Original Message)   Sent: 31/10/2008

Hey folks,

Just got a Beta HPE 1600 from a mate in the X1/9 owners club, who'd had it tucked away for years.I've got it MOT'd and serviced,along with a timing belt and a brake overhaul. I've also just fitted E30 BMW projector style headlamps,and have sent off my tailgate struts to be regassed.Still a few jobs to do, but it's now in daily use!

From: Berlinaboy   Sent: 31/10/2008

Welcome! And happy Beta ownership
What age / spec / colour is your HPE - any pics to post??


From: Tiff-x19   Sent: 01/11/2008

Thanks Andy!,

I've put a few pics up in the albums, not taken too many yet!


From: glovebeast   Sent: 09/11/2008

Hi Tif
Can you tell me where you sent the struts to be re-gassed?

From: A1-6HPE   Sent: 09/11/2008

Stunner - nice in white :- )

From: Tiff-x19   Sent: 09/11/2008

Yeah, here is the E-Mail I got back.

Dear Tiff

Thank you for your enquiry. New struts are available at a cost of £46.29 for the pair delivered (£15.95 per strut plus £7.50 carriage and VAT), are covered by a two year guarantee and are available on next day delivery.

Some struts can be re-gassed depending on their condition so a visual inspection by us must be made in order to assess your struts, which is free of charge.

If you try a re-gas and it fails within the warranty period we will discount the cost of the re-gas from new gas struts purchased from SGS Engineering.

A re-gas is £32.29 delivered for the pair (£9.99 per strut plus £7.50 carriage and VAT) and struts are usually turned around within three working days. Payment can be made via credit/debit card and you will be contacted for payment once your struts have been tested. If you require a re-gas please send your struts to:

SGS Engineering (UK) Limited
Unit A6
Cranmer Road
West Meadows Estate
DE21 6JL

Telephone: 01332 298 126
Fax: 01332 366232
Web Address:

If you have any questions or would like to place an order, please don’t hesitate to call.

Kind Regards
Andy Wyatt.
SGS Engineering (UK) Limited

From: Berlinaboy   Sent: 09/11/2008

That's a coincidence - I've just received back 6 Beta saloon boot lid gas struts that have been re-gassed by SGS Engineering. I can't speak highly enough of their service. Fast ( the struts were back to me, regassed within 4 days) very helpful and friendly, and I thought very reasonable. I'll let you know how long the regassing works for, but on saloons, even when the cars were new you were lucky to get a year out of them!

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