« on: December 21, 2008, 09:32:27 PM » |
From: budgerian (Original Message) Sent: 03/08/2008
Hi all,
Just required an 84 Beta HPE VX in very good condition. I am very pleased with it as you may imagine, but I have one question that I have not been able to find an answer for on the web: Can the A/C of any Beta be retrofitted to a VX model or is it not possible. The original factory brochure lists the ac option only for the 2000 I.E. and 1600 model. Could the compressor be in the way? If it should fit, is there anyone who has a complete set for sale?
If any of you could provide me with some pictures or drawing of the a/c setup in a Beta I'd be very grateful. For now I have no clue as to how and where the compressor is fitted to the engine.
Thank you for any responses gievn,
From: hutch6610 Sent: 05/08/2008
Have to admit it - never seen an air conditioned Beta in the flesh.
Fridge compressor would go where the alternator would fit on a VX above the power steering pump, check out page 247 of the Haynes manual. If you can find a complete aircon system for an IE the fridge pump "could" be modified to fit else where - not an easy task but possible. They may have been more popular in the USA or SA and that's where i would try to source one.
But alas i fear your chances of finding one is pretty much some where between Bob Hope and No Hope. Good luck any way
From: budgerian Sent: 05/08/2008
Thank you for your reply and support.
In the mean time I have done some more investigating and found out that some VX's were indeed equipped with a/c, it's a very interesting setup where the alternator belt still is in the same place, but the position of the alternator is opposite of it's original location, i.e. in front of the front wheel. P/s pump and a/c are in the same position as non-VX a/c equipped cars. Takes quite some fascinating bracketry to make it work, but it works.
I have even managed to find a set, which I will be installing somewhere in the next few months. I'll try and document the work involved.
From: 206doorman Sent: 10/08/2008
I worked for TAK in Johannesburg. The aircon kit was retro-fitted by us. As you can imagine, very popular in that climate. And it's quite unusual as already said, the alternator is hanging inside the front wheel arch on an elaborate set of brackets,facing the 'wrong' way.
The only thing I would wonder is the direction of rotation of said alternator. Does it matter? If so, how is direction reversed? Nige.
From: hutch6610 Sent: 10/08/2008
Roger you have the luck of the devil! Enjoy the tight squeeze. Alternator direction is not a real issue - alternating current remember, comes out the other end rectified. Different story if you had a dynamo. look forward to seeing your build.
From: budgerian Sent: 11/08/2008
Hello Nigel,
That's some good info there! I am actually getting the set from south africa, so that makes sense.
Would you like to share anything you still might remember of the installs, anything will be welcomed, but everything even more!
From: 206doorman Sent: 17/08/2008
You're really testing my memory,Roger! Well done. The alternator obviously needs an additional belt. I think the alt. belt is short, being driven from an 'extended' pulley mounted on either the PS or A/C pump. There's so little space down below, that everything is 'up-top'. The PS pump remains low level, the A/C compressor (which was enormous compared to whats being used these days) sits forward of the distributor but at roughly the same level.
There may be a smallish panel on the r/h side of the radiator that has to be removed/relocated for clearence. Also think the headlamp self-leveling system might need some pipe rerouting to clear the alternator. I suggest you fit a new cambelt,oil seals etc now, as doing it with all your extra stuff onboard,well you can imagine........ My recollection of the inside work is scant. Dash panel removal,heater box mods to accept the rad and pipework etc. There's a new dash panel with pushbutton controls that replaces the sliders. (The new fitment integrates the heating/cooling system) Additional relays are fitted into the secondary fusebox nearside wheel arch. Is this kit new? You'll need everything to make it work. Hutch is right of course. An alt. can run in either direction. Nige.
From: 206doorman Sent: 25/10/2008
Just interested....any progress Roger? Nige
From: budgerian Sent: 26/10/2008
Progress is such that I am still waiting on the kit to arrive. One of the cars that will donate the necessairy parts was not within the vendors reach, but it is now.
Pictures as soon as the kit arrives, promised!