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Author Topic: Rally legends 5 to 15/10/08  (Read 4691 times)
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« on: December 21, 2008, 12:01:31 AM »

From: alfasudtwinengine  (Original Message)   Sent: 29/08/2008 20:58

Hi all anyone up for a drive down to italy,me and a few mates are driving to san marino in italy to watch rally legends mainly grp 4 and grp b rally cars,its over two days,on the way we are visiting guy moerenhout belgium abarth workshops and museum,then down to turin for the national motor museum,over to maranello and visit  ferrari, then on to san marino for three days. we are then driving back over the stelvio pass,i will be taking the grp 4 beta replica, anyone wishing to come along please email me

From: spyder-grale   Sent: 06/09/2008

This is the official website to the Rally Legends event:- with 1 of many videos here:-
I'm really looking forward to this event with the "only" problem being whether to video or photograph. Decisions, decisions .

From: spyder-grale   Sent: 15/10/2008

Wow, what a week! You can keep your Snake Pass etc, we done the Stelvio Pass, Umbrail Pass, the road from Stelvio to Davos, ST Bernard Pass & the road to Val d'lsere then into Turin, oh & the Rally Legends was good as well After a trouble free run of 2,863 miles (averaging 23 MPG) we arrived back home yesterday. We visited the Ferrari museum @ Maranello, plus a glimpse of the Ferrari test track from the road. Maranello Rosso/Abarth collection in San Marino . The rally was the main reason for the trip & we weren't disappointed.

The sight, sound & smell of the cars was amazing. Best sounding were the 037's, S4's, 6R4, & the Stratos' & Porsche's with their straight through exhausts! The "mainland" Europeans know how to spectate with their air horns, bottles of wine & flags/banners, VERY excited when a driver gets the car sideways! We recced 3 stages including the stage around the industrial estate & got a little bit carried away, much to the satisfaction of the spectators that had already bagged their spot to the extent that we had another go ;-)

The only slight downside was the cancellation of the 2nd run through the industrial estate on the Saturday due to the large crowd numbers, but apart from that we had an enjoyable rally, especially after signing on, I met with Miki Biasion who accompanied me to my car for a photo plus he also autograped the roof. Before the rally had started, we met up with Howard & Dan who'd also "done" a few pass' in Switzerland, and on the way back home on Sunday we had lunch beside Lake Garda & came across a 1.3s Fulvia & Fiat 500 in the car park, but prior to lunch we had a bash at a little tunnel blasting ;-). After lunch, we followed the Fulvia & 500 through some more tunnels & I must have scared the little 500 with more blasting!

Time was pressing on & we tackled Stelvio at around 18.00 arriving @ 18.20, now that's a prioper climb. We passed 2 motor homes coming down & their brakes absoloutely stank! You couldn't really get any proper speed up, I managed to grab 3rd max, but it wasn't about the speed just the thought of tackling one of the most famous roads there is. The summit is 9,045 feet & we thought that we were unfit, then realised how high we were. Monday we left for the 600 mile/12 hour trip back to Calais but what goes up must go down, so we went down the other side of the mountain & done the Umbrail Pass. We were told that it wasn't really a nice road, but have learned that if anyone tells you that, it'll probably be a good one as there was a good gravel section! As we dropped down into Tschierv, we were greeted with a Swiss picture postcard view of green pastureland, pine trees & snow capped mountains, just fantastic. Thanks to Paul & Michael you accomponied us down to Turin in the Clio V6, Mick, Chris, Kev & Phil in the rear engined Beta & Passat chase car, but above all Howard & Dan, Simon & Jordan, we'll cherish those memories for ever ;-). Here's to next year.

From: alfasudtwinengine   Sent: 16/10/2008

Hi all some photos from rally legends 2008.

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