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Author Topic: Tappet shims  (Read 5657 times)
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« on: December 20, 2008, 11:08:30 PM »

From: StuartHF1  (Original Message)   Sent: 28/08/2008 19:51
Help - I need a 3.90mm shim. Can you still get them from Fiat or does anyone have one going spare ?

From: charley18193   Sent: 28/08/2008 21:39
Bayless has shims in .05mm increments from 2.55mm through 5.10mm.
page 40.

From: StuartHF1   Sent: 31/08/2008 10:11
I've used them before but I was rather hoping for a UK source !


From: hutch6610   Sent: 31/08/2008 23:29
You may be interested that Volvo once used similar sized shims.
Guy Croft happens to make mention of this on page 40 of his book.
But i cannot say that they do a 3.90mm shim though - still worth trying them.

From: rossocorsa   Sent: 01/09/2008 08:11

sorry if this duplicates but my e mail replies all appeared to have bounced!!
have you tried a fiat dealer? those shims fit loads of fiats I'd have thought they could still be ordered obviously don't ask them about a beta as it'll send the parts guy into palpitations ask about a twin cam fiat model such as tempra 1.8 or 2.0 8valve!
actually try this part number 4152457 no promises mind! if it turns out to be the wrong part.....but I'm 90% sure it'll be right if it's wrong it's not much lost not expensive


From: charley18193   Sent: 01/09/2008 15:56
Volvo does use 33mm shims for 740/760/240 models.I have a Volvo shim kit which does include a 3.90 shim.The kits are available online.

From: Mikeymikemcmike   Sent: 01/09/2008 19:11
There is a seller on ebay who has loads of different size shims. Here's one item from him:-


From: Lanciamad   Sent: 01/09/2008 19:35
Another website that maybe of use,

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