From: ladalancia (Original Message) Sent: 25/06/2008
Can anyone offer any advise as to whether a 1981 2.0 litre Beta engine, that I am refurbishing, is ok for running on unleaded fuel without the need for conversion, i.e
replacing the valvel seats.
There seems to be conflicting information around on this subject which suggests that there is no problem with the Fiat versions....but there appears to be a doubt regarding
the Lancia to whether the seat material is a bit more dubious.
Any guidance on this would be appreciated as the conversion costs about £ that I would rather spend on 'go-faster' parts
From: hutch6610 Sent: 25/06/2008
As far as i am aware non of the Beta range (UK) models are unleaded friendly, so you will have to go ahead with a valve seat conversion.
Considering Fiat engines are the same thing i cannot understand why they should be able to run unleaded no problem.
£150.00 for such work by the way is "peanuts" - ever tried gas flowing, absolutely boring and i can see why Guy Croft charges so much.
You wont get many "Go Faster" parts for £150.00 - this would buy you say a poly bush set, a K&N airfilter (which will actually make the car slower unless you jet it properly)
There is one a alternative to unleaded seat conversions and that is Tetraboost (real tetra-ethyl lead) expensive at £120.00 a box but you make real leaded from it and works out more economical and "better value" than any of the other crappy additives i have used like kerosene based "valvemaster".
You get 8 x 945ml bottles so makes about 900 litres of leaded 4 star fuel = 197.80 gallons in English!
I know what i will be using in my MK11 Daimler 250!
Anyway its up to you - sure somebody will tell me Tetraboost if crap!
check out; Read "Frequently asked questions" on the right column.
From: allenlofland Sent: 25/06/2008 18:30
I can tell you from experience that the 1978-1982 Fiat and Lancia engines
sent to the NA market have no problems related to this issue. I cannt
believe its any different with Euro engines as it has been proved over and
over again that any differences in the Euro and NA Cars was fairy tails

flame suit on hehe.
But the No Lead isue goese way back , longbefore the 2 liter ever arrived.
Just my 2 cents worth
Allen & Lynette Lofland
From: Omicron Sent: 26/06/2008 10:49
We use Tetraboost ourselves. Its nasty stuff, so wear gloves and take great care - even better would be to get someone you don't like to do it for you.
A simpler solution is Valvemaster, distributed in the UK at least by Castrol. Valvemaster has a good pedigree.
£ 150 is a very good price for valve seat replacement and won't buy much in the way of go faster bits!
From: pt68 Sent: 28/06/2008 08:54
30-40.000k before and since I re-built my 2000cc coupe I always used ULP and had no problems.
Several mechanics told me and also read on internet that at that time Lancia/Fiat used high quality valve seats, unlike some other manufacturers so that unleaded is no problem.
When I dismantled engine after 500.000km there was no major valve or valve seat deformation. I did replace them just in case.
I am not sure for how long you can run ULP with standard seat... let us know.
Also, since rebuild I used only synthetic engine oil.
From: 1nutty10 Sent: 30/06/2008 10:00
I got advice from an engineer when I rebuilt my motor (82 Beta 2l 8v) and was told that all aluminum heads have hardened seats fitted and thus no changes need be made to switch to unleaded.
From: rossocorsa Sent: 15/07/2008 20:45
I think quite a few people run betas on super unleaded without incident I'd try it and see what happens keep an eye on valve clearances if they start to close up fast you can get the head done then, I ran my vx on unleaded without problem before it came off the road but I do think they have harder seats than na cars