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Author Topic: starter motor  (Read 4251 times)
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« on: December 20, 2008, 10:16:47 PM »

From: spydervx  (Original Message) Sent: 10/07/2008

Can anyone help:

My spyder has been restored and now has a guy croft vx engine. In traffic the engine can run a bit hot.

As part of the restoration I got the starter motor reconditioned.

We drove it to italy last summer. The weather was really hot and I started to get a problem that when I stopped the motor when hot and then tried to restart, the starter jammed / would not turn. Once cooled down it would turn over and start. The problem got progressively worse.

Any thoughts before i starting pulling things apart again would be much appreciated


From: hutch6610   Sent: 10/07/2008 22:43
Either it was not reconditioned properly (never know) or you have a dodgy electrical connection.

My friends Lada TC does exactly what your Beta does every year i take it to the MOT station - so they can all call it a piece of crap and tell me to buy a German car with "soul"
I think they mean a BMW with Barry White in the back!

Have you checked the tightness of the positive lead to the solonoid?
The spade terminal good and tight, not sloppy?
Battery terminals nice and clean with the appropriate Vaseline or even copper slip - anythings better than nothing.
How about the earth lead - making good contact to the battery tray bracket and the gearbox.
Also check the lead battery clamps if still original - they don't last for ever, and the wire can be a loose fit into the lead.
One more place to check is the round multi-plug near the battery tray, make sure the connections are clean and corrosion free.
Put some Vaseline in that as well to stop any corrosion.
Hope this is of some use.

From: Amilopro   Sent: 10/07/2008 23:49
My volumex does this too, i am getting a relay fitted to the ignition line
as apparently when they get hot they won't put through enough current
for the starer motor.
regards Simon


From: spydervx   Sent: 13/07/2008 18:56

This is a great forum everyone is so helpful -
Thanks hutch6610 and amilopro
Both really good advice -will recheck all connections and
look to putting a relay in.
I am pretty sure that "german cars with soul" is an oxymoron!


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