Hi all,
My HPE VX won't idle. It did run fine when I got it last spring but after it sat for a few weeks during the summer it refused to idle. It is unaffected by engine temperature- I can sit with it at 1800rpm until it's thoroughly warm and once I take my foot off the accelerator it instantly dies...

. It will rev happily to the redline without hesitation and it sounds as it should. If I allow the revs to drop below 1800rpm the revcounter immediately divebombs and I have to feather the throttle to get them back up.
It's on the original weber. I've removed the two carb jets that are on either side of the carb near the top and blown them through, although they weren't visibly blocked with anything, but it made no difference whatsoever. It's quite frustrating as I just want to get it mot'd and use it to evaluate my suspension/brake mods...
I do intend to fit a DCNF in a while but for now I just want it mot'd and usable. Nothing on the carb/fuel system has been touched/altered.
Any ideas?
