Just spoke with Brian Mills who is running this years LMC Goodwood Trackday, a few places are still available (sorry LMC members only on track) Betaboyz members are very welcome to attend with free admisson into the circuit, I have attended the the last 5 years for me it's one of the social events of the year
I will again be official photographer, so be assured If you arrive in a Beta I will take plenty of pics

A selection from the last five years can be seen on Flickr:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/tonysphotos/collections/72157623949979681/Invite from Brian below, also attached Goodwood Track Day Application form
Goodwood Trackday - Saturday 21 May 2011
The Lancia Motor Club is pleased to invite members of the Betaboyz to their annual Goodwood Trackday on Saturday 21 May.
The track is open to all Lancia Motor Club members, non LMC members are very welcome with free admission.
It is not intended to be just for those with hot hatches or racecars. With only five cars at a time on the 2.4-mile circuit, you will hardly see another car. The rules of the track are carefully explained to all attendees and strictly monitored by the Goodwood organisers. Goodwood’s chief instructor will be on hand to advise and assist to those new to the track.
The price is only £179 per car for the whole day – an absolute bargain for this circuit and a price that is only possible due to financial support by the Lancia Motor Club. There will be a maximum of 40 cars accepted and at present there are some spaces available but be quick!
LMC’s Goodwood trackday is a very social occasion, with a lounge at our disposal, refreshments and a photographer. Family and friends are very welcome. The circuit owners have requested that all attendees remember where they are and that moving cars always present danger particularly to the young. Children must be closely supervised at all time and all animals are strictly prohibited. Only entrants and passengers wearing the circuit’s armbands are permitted in the pitlane.
As there are only 5 cars on track at any one time the noise level is set reasonably high at 105dB. Entries will be accepted on a strict first come first served basis and will be limited to ensure good track time for all.
Brian Mills contact details:-
Phone - 01903 265868
Email -