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Archive from MSN Forum 2002 - 2008 => Archive from MSN Forum 2004 => Topic started by: tonylanciabeta on November 01, 2008, 06:04:09 PM

Title: Carpet Trim that hold them down
Post by: tonylanciabeta on November 01, 2008, 06:04:09 PM
OK Spyder (and I presume all others) has the plastic strip by the doors holding the carpet down.
Now my brain suggests removal via brute force and ignorance.
However my heart tells my brain to bugger off.
How are these removed? Please. Centre console et cetera out without a hitch.
Also is there any reason not to make my new door cards out of aluminium or some such?


brute force removal of those plastic carpet hold down strips is not
recommended, especially when they can be easily removed by pulling up the
black plastic strip in the middle that covers the screws.



I looked, Oh how I looked.
I obviously didn't look hard enough. Grrr I spent ages...
Don't worry I'd never resort to brute force.......