Lancia Beta Forum

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: peteracs on September 28, 2012, 12:35:16 PM

Title: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: peteracs on September 28, 2012, 12:35:16 PM
Hi All
Two points

1) Just tried to make a donation, but on pressing the Paypal button, just a blank screen. Could one of the admins take a look at this please? I am using latest Firefox on Windows.

2) Never seen any specific request on here for donations from members, so thought I would start the ball rolling on it. From what Matt tells me it costs around £200 a year to host and looking at the recent shown donations, Matt and Rossacorsa have covered this recently + any anonymous doners. So thought I would just throw out the discussion to see if we can spread the cost more evenly. Given that the forum is run in a pretty laid back way, but is really useful to many from looking at the postings, can I suggest that if folk were to chip in a few pounds each, the £200 would be easily acheived without any one person really noticing it, maybe a suggested start is £5 each (1 or 2 drinks for most of us). If the total raised is sufficient to keep it going for more than one year, all the better.

So what do you all think?


Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: MattNoVAT on September 28, 2012, 01:03:23 PM
Hi Peter,

Firstly, the problem with the Paypal Donation feature is a known issue and strangely enough I said to Tony last night, that when I get back from fishing in a weeks time can he and I get this resolved.  As I have monies from parts donated to the forum that I have subsequently sold on via here or Ebay that should go into the forums coffers.  As the donations were not covering the costs I decided to take the parts the Forum was donated and sell it, then then stick that in the forums funds minus the postage.

Secondly, two or three years ago I did pop a thread up kind of rallying folks to make a small donation towards the running costs for that year because we were close to covering the whole £200, it worked but I do not want members to feel like they are being hassled.  Alas, sadly it seems to be the same handful of people who donate :-(

If the forum went subscription based then things get a little more complicated from an Admin perspective, but not beyond the realms of possibility.  It may have an effect on membership, but I guess we will not know unless we make that transition.

Yes, it's laid back, although we have had to put down a few democratically agreed rules. Now that the membership has grown significantly, the economic climate changed and there were some that just wanted to take advantage of the free advertising + targeted audience without contributing anything at all.

I think this sounds like time for a "Poll" that is open for a couple of months - as we have some members who visit infrequently.

We certainly don't want members to feel like they have been drawn in for free then hit with a subscription.  I have my own opinion, but I have to keep it to myself because everyone is entitled to express their own, free from any perceived pressure.

I will set up a Poll when I return from my fishing trip,

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: rodney3010 on September 28, 2012, 01:21:46 PM
For what they are worth and in no order of importance here are my thoughts:
I wasn't aware of the cost and how the site is funded (accept that that is my fault and maybe I should have enquired) and it is totally unfair to expect 2 people to shoulder the burden of paying for a facility that many find invaluable.
I am a member of the LMC and being honest I don't use it for much more than access to the forum. Logically therefore it is reasonable to view this forum as a 'club' and membership of any club should be subject to a membership fee.
I understand the issue around admin perspective and maybe we should consider an 'honesty box' approach. Whilst there will always be those who will abuse the system and not contribute I'm a half glass full kind of chap and believe that the majority who use this forum are decent folk and will recognise the need to put thier hand in their pocket.

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: thecolonel on September 28, 2012, 02:40:58 PM
I agree that the burden should not be left on the shoulders,of a few,
although not being a beta owner, I do take part in the forum  and
therefore should contribute to the cost involved.

Put me down for 20p ;~})

Seriously I'd be happy to add to the coffers.

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: rossocorsa on September 28, 2012, 03:30:29 PM
just to clarify in case of confusion I only chipped in a tenner and that was ages ago! Please correct me if I am wrong but I think we have to thank Matt and Tony for most of the hard work and unrecorded expenses made. The rover 75 and Zt club have a policy of free membership but a smallish fee to annually become a subscribed member which gives access to a few more facilities, whilst it may seem a bit mean perhaps some sections could be restricted to subscribed membership and maybe if there is enough take up to cover a short production run something  a car sticker could be sourced as a freebie each year? 

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: Tony B on September 28, 2012, 06:40:30 PM

For what it's worth, I think that £5 for what the site and its members give us is frankly a steal. I know I'm in, is Paypal playing yet?

I know that Matt and and few learned others maybe (occasionally) feel like they plough a bit of a lone furrow keeping the ship off the rocks and 'tipping up' is I feel a very appropriate show of support.

Just my two penneth'.


Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: droptop on September 28, 2012, 08:01:34 PM
I've sold a few unwanted items to members here courtesy of the site and obtained a few choice items from members, not to mention the help and encouragement I've received since joining about two and a half years ago so I figure it's certainly payback time from me anyway.
It does no harm to put the financial side of this forum in the public domain every now and then just to shake us out of our complacency.
Thanks to all for everything mentioned above and rest assured, "the cheque is in the post" :)

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: Zagato on September 28, 2012, 08:52:42 PM
Happy to contribute but not a Paypal user ... so would need to know who to make cheque out to and where to send it

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: slowe on September 28, 2012, 09:56:47 PM
I'm more of a cheque sort of person (bit old hat I'm afraid). Am happy to contribute though


Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: peteracs on September 29, 2012, 01:07:51 AM
Hi All

For those who want to use cheques, then I am happy to accept them and convert into Paypal payment or happy if someone else wants to take on this task.

As to the subscription model. Other forums that I subscribe to have a members section where content is limited to those whose subscribe and others who limit access for a number of days to sections such as items for sale for a certain number of days before offering to the general public.

Also I think that limiting any downloads to subscribers makes sense.

Technically I do not know what can be achieved with the forum as it stands, so that would be down to Matt etc to let us know if any of this is feasible or desirable.


Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: Ammy on September 29, 2012, 03:27:34 PM
Peter, Can you provide details for cheque payment please.  To whom payable and address etc.,  I don't use paypal either.

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: carl59862 on September 29, 2012, 03:30:04 PM
Just to say that I am also more than happy to contribute financially, not just as a one-off, but as an annual donation. I am also a member of LMC and I too don't really get anything from it apart from access to the forum, which rarely has anything Beta-related.


Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: TonyLanciaBeta on September 29, 2012, 06:27:05 PM
Hi All

thanks for all your support for the Beta forum over the last 10 years, it's nice to know it's appreciated

when Matt comes back from holiday we will have a chats over coffee, as to where we go with the forum, and like Matt said post a poll

Also thanks go to Mark Wastnidge ( ( who started the forum all those years ago, and continues to supports us, this year he gifted us the new Beta Forum flag (cost price to him £270) thanks Mark  ;D

I will try to look at the Paypal donation plug-in tomorrow, and keep you posted
We can take cheque donations, again will speak to Matt and get back to you

thanks again
Tony and team

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: mtulloch on September 29, 2012, 07:14:38 PM
Count me in for a contribution. :)

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: peteracs on September 30, 2012, 05:35:01 PM
Hi All

First, on the cheque front happy to see what Matt et al decide on them, but happy to accept and convert into Paypal or bank transfer if it takes some weight/time off others.

Second, agree on the LMC point, been a member for a couple of years now, enjoy the monthly mag, but suspect the lack of Beta stuff on the forum is direct result of this forum, similar to which only normally has US Beta stuff on it.

Also happy to have annual subscription for the forum. If there is money over each year then suggest it goes towards items which can be shared with the subscribers such as special tools etc, or towards conversion of old paper records to electronic etc.


Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: rossocorsa on September 30, 2012, 06:23:41 PM
This is the only Lancia forum I contribute to these days, not a fan of LMC and not been a member for some years anyway I would be happy with an optional full membership for this forum for me I think 10 quid per annum seems about right it's enough to make a difference but no so much that you'd really miss it. These days even if I wanted to I couldn't afford to rejoin the LMC as the sub has become ridiculous

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: Ammy on September 30, 2012, 06:42:40 PM
So pleased to learn that so many folk feel the same way as me.       I gave up L.M.C membership purely because,  little ,  if anything,  on the Beta, which wasn't regarded by L.M.C as  Lancia.   I get great enjoyment,  every day,  reading this Forum and whatever the cost feel it's worth it.

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: peteracs on September 30, 2012, 09:18:42 PM
Definitely my first port of call on the forum front, always sad if there are no new posts......

A fiver to a tenner per year sounds reasonable to me.


Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: Zagato on September 30, 2012, 10:56:22 PM
Thought this thread was about who was willing to contribute ... rather than comparing forums?

I use both ... because I like Lancias ... and if its got a Lancia badge on it then that's fine by me ...

Yes the company has changed over the years ... but what hasn't?
Not all change is for the good ... but in business sometimes change is necessary for survival

and I'm not really sure that you should even try to compare two forums that are really very different ...
One tries to cover every model ever made ... and the other a very specific series ...


Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: rossocorsa on September 30, 2012, 11:20:25 PM
Apologies I got carried away with my distaste for the   LMC, you are quite right it's not the place to be airing such stuff

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: peteracs on September 30, 2012, 11:38:12 PM
In case you felt I was criticising the other forums, that was not my intention. I was merely trying to establish that this forum for Beta owners appears to be by far more active and hence important to support. I am a LMC member and happy to be one for the foreseeable future. Most of the Beta talk in English appears to be on this forum for non US users from what I can tell, the LMC forum is really active for the earlier cars from what I see.


Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: Hawk on October 01, 2012, 01:25:54 AM
I'm an admin on a motorcycle owners forum,which also relies on donations so I'm very aware of covering costs and yet I haven't donated to his place! 

I guess that because it isn't mandatory I haven't bothered.  But I'm happy to chip in

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: joe1999 on October 01, 2012, 07:06:14 AM
I for one have never even considered the cost of running a forum and would happily donate also

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: MattNoVAT on October 07, 2012, 12:58:08 PM
I have returned from my week of fishing in France and am catching up with all the forum news.

I will speak with Tony asap to sort out when we can fix the Paypal plug in, but also to discuss possibly going forward with maybe a subscription based model.  Nothing will be changing overnight, we will discuss & consult with you all once we have had a catch up.

As Admins what is important to us, is that we do not turn people off of this forum, because it may become subscription based to access the more in depth technical info, downloads Sale/Wanted sections etc.  I've been a member of plenty of forums and apart from the Evo forum (but only in the early days when Nasser started it) this is by far the most active, plus this is definitely the most friendly/polite, which for me, is one of the pleasures of participation.

I will post up a a poll shortly, possibly two, but I have to think about the core questions that need asking.  I have to speak with Tony first, as I do not make any decisions on my own, the Admin side works on a democratic principle with the emphasis on trying to be as open and impartial as possible. The Beta Forum comes first, this is not the place for my ego!!

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: MattNoVAT on October 07, 2012, 07:41:54 PM
The "Donations" via Paypal is now fixed, there is still a small glitch that Tony and I are working to resolve, this does not affect the actual donation just on the listing display of those who have donated and have chosen to have their donation shown publicly, which is the default.

I have tested this via Safari and Firefox, there will be later tests using Google Chrome, IE and a couple of other browsers but we are confident that its all working as I have made a successful donation.

We'll keep you posted on the resolution of the other bug.

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: peteracs on October 07, 2012, 08:31:33 PM
Thanks Matt, any thoughts yet on the subscription ideas?


Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: HFStuart on October 07, 2012, 10:36:20 PM
The "Donations" via Paypal is now fixed,

Works on IE9  ;)

Just my twopenneth Matt but there are some forums were you can't read any content without paying a sub. I don't think that's the way to go - a sub to be able to post and/or read certain sections doesn't seem unreasonable though.

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: peteracs on October 07, 2012, 11:02:33 PM
Hi Matt

The Paypal button does nothing on IPad sadly.


Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: MattNoVAT on October 08, 2012, 09:50:10 AM
Tony has confirmed that IE and Opera work properly, but iPad running iOS 6 does not work, nor does Google Chrome.

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: peteracs on October 08, 2012, 10:38:37 AM
Tony has confirmed that IE and Opera work properly, but iPad running iOS 6 does not work, nor does Google Chrome.

IOS 6 strikes again.....

Just so folk know is this a forever issue or likely to be a 'just have not had the time to look at' issue?

Not hassling, just wanted to try to get it clarified for any future use.

Thanks for your efforts


Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: peteracs on October 08, 2012, 10:42:25 AM
Hi Matt

Just tried this on Firefox 15.0.1 (Windows XP) and still get a blank screen on pressing the donate button, what version did you try?


Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: MattNoVAT on October 08, 2012, 10:53:32 AM
I am using v12.0 but I use a Mac.

Oops apologies, I forgot that Mozilla would have two versions depending on hardware platform.

The Windows version of Firefox does not seem to work (blank screen)

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: peteracs on October 08, 2012, 11:10:05 AM

The Windows version of Firefox does not seem to work (blank screen)

Glad it was not me or a cache issue, will try Safari on missus's Mac.


Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: MattNoVAT on October 08, 2012, 11:27:01 AM
I'm using Lion running Safari v6.0.1

Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: dougdee123 on October 08, 2012, 11:33:17 AM
I just attempted to donate and sadly it still doesn't work.

My system is Win7 64bit and neither IE9 nor Firefox work correctly .

If you try to use IE9 the browser tells you that the owner of the website doesn't allow it to be opened in a frame but may work in a new window. If you then open the new window it doesn't carry forward the transaction details.

With Firefox clicking the donate button just gives a blank window (or frame?)

Firefox does the same from a linux box.

Update : However, if you install Opera, it works fine.


Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: peteracs on November 14, 2012, 12:38:30 PM

The Windows version of Firefox does not seem to work (blank screen)

Glad it was not me or a cache issue, will try Safari on missus's Mac.


Finally got around to trying it on a Mac with Safari and.......

Sadly it does nothing, any clues?


Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: peteracs on April 09, 2013, 07:54:27 AM
Hi Admins

Sorry to be a pain, but any further thoughts on how to get the donate button to work?

I am now using OSX Mountain Lion and Safari and have also tried XP with IE8 and previously Firefox.

If you want me to take a look, let me know as I think it would be useful to get it working.


Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: TonyLanciaBeta on April 09, 2013, 08:20:20 PM
Hi Peter

Your right Peter we need to get it working, sorry both Matt and I have been a little busy of late.
I'm at home this Saturday and willl have another look, I think it might be a case of removing the current Paypal plug-in and start a fresh
thanks for your kind offer of help, we might take you up on that :)

We will keep you updated


Title: Re: Donations to cover the forum's costs
Post by: peteracs on April 14, 2013, 01:29:14 PM
Hi Tony

Not a problem, let me know.
